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Missing the Big Story

Government-focused cloud products and services are designed to provide sophisticated solutions targeting the specific, diverse, and quickly evolving needs of government agencies, from local citizen services to highly classified government entities and initiatives with specific security needs. With a complex technical solution spanning multiple categories, this client team needed a unified, consistent story and ready-go-to thinking and language for communicating, responding to RFPs, and engaging with government customers.


Make it Real, Make it Practical, Make it Clear

Campaign development

With volumes of information and an invested group of stakeholders with unique perspectives, content and concepts around government-oriented technologies and solutions weren’t easy to understand. The Audienz team worked with the client to create a framework to help guide conversations and organize insights and thinking into a unified narrative that detailed the client’s overarching story and provided scenario-based guidance to accelerate the alignment of technologies with practical and specific use cases. The Audienz team up-leveled the framework with a visual architecture that ensured the content was not only easy to follow and understand, but also streamlined the reader’s ability to uncover insights they might otherwise have overlooked.


Common Vision, Consistent Application

In addition to informing impactful materials and campaigns, this framework for thinking became a conversation driver internally for the client team. They were able to dive deeper in discussing different perspectives on important topics, testing their assumptions, and coalescing their ideas into a common vision. By harnessing their comprehensive solution vision within a single resource, the field can now better speak to government agencies’ needs in their marketing campaigns, sales materials, internal trainings, and RFP responses.

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