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Learn how to drive sales and boost engagement with videos

A friend of mine who owns a real estate agency is doing a 365-video challenge. She has committed herself to posting a video each day discussing various aspects of her business. That may seem like a lot of video content.

It’s not.

While there is so much content on the internet these days, one of the best ways to grab attention and seal the deal is to create video content. Video is among the most consumed content online—80% and rising. Those videos people are watching are not all cats jumping out at toddlers and guys on skateboards face-planting.

Videos can sell. Make some about your product.

You better believe when I’m shopping for my next cute pair of boots or deciding between Budapest and Bucharest for my next big vacation, those product videos Zappos and Intrepid Travel post help with my final decision. The same is true for software or other types of technology. A few years ago, I was one of the main decision-makers for my company’s new intranet provider. I appreciated the companies that provided videos explaining features and benefits because they gave me the information I needed to make a decision while leading me to the next step in the sales funnel.

Indeed, product videos are a key factor in consumer purchasing decisions. But don’t take my word for it. Let me throw some numbers at you that paint the big picture:

    • 90% of consumers use natively posted videos to make purchasing decisions (Social Media Today)
    • 97% of marketers say videos help customers understand products (Hubspot)
    • 87% of businesses are now using video for marketing (Wyzowl)
    Video is the ultimate Sherpa to guide your prospect through the sales funnel. While pictures and copy are helpful tools in the buying process, video allows you to engage with even the most unmotivated buyers and give them the opportunity to share dynamic content.

    Here are some tips on how to make videos that work:

      • Boost engagement and SEO by including captions for auto-play. You’ll also make your audience happy if you keep the video on silent. No one wants their cubicle neighbor to know they’re doing a little online shopping instead of responding to the boss’ email.

      • Dive into more robust metrics. It’s a great way to track what’s working… and what’s not. Unlike a product blurb or blog post, you can see if your viewers watched the entire video and find out where they dropped off.

      • Use video to engage non-native speakers. Another beauty of video is that it’s especially helpful for non-native speakers who might find it more difficult to wade through text. If you’ve got a large percentage of customers who speak another language, strongly consider making the same video available in their language or create subtitles or captions.

      • Keep your videos short and sweet. As a general rule, Instagram videos should be 30 seconds long, Twitter 45 seconds, Facebook one minute, and YouTube two minutes. However, if you’ve got good content, you’ll keep your audience engaged longer… just don’t go all War and Peace in length.

      Having a video marketing strategy is more important than ever. Don’t know where to start or need help creating video content? Audienz can get you where you need to be.

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