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Top 10 SEO Tips

As I was heading to work today, I started thinking about my agenda for the day – how was I going to tackle all my meetings and be productive on this Monday morning? A coworker immediately jumped into the elevator, so I thought I would pick her brain on what tools she uses to keep herself organized. Upon which she quickly responded, “I don’t have a specific one, I would Google it.” ‘Google it’ has become a common verb in the modern world. It has all the answers to our daily queries and the answers can come to you in a split second. So, how do you get your business in front of your customers in a split second? EASY. You optimize your SEO strategy.

It might seem daunting to start, but chances are that several small changes can add up to a huge difference in how you return on your customers’ searches. For example, your customer can click on your website whenever they search for “Best tools for workplace productivity,” and get you more leads than your sales team can handle on a Monday morning.   

With that in mind, here are my Top 10 SEO tips to increase your online presence:

1) Write great content. This will lead to more traffic, better ranking keywords and ultimately more backlinks to your post- signaling to Google that you are an authority that deserves to be on the first page. Make sure your content is useful, high quality and very relevant.

2) Increase your page load speed. About 40% of users will leave your website if the page takes more than 3 seconds to load. This will increase your bounce rate, and makes Google think that your page is not relevant to users.

3) Optimize your mobile version. Because 63% of users buy online, you want to retain customers by making sure that your mobile version is top notch and easy to navigate.

4) Improve your images. Make sure to add keywords to your image file, your alt tags, your titles and descriptions.

5) Be picky with your outbound links. Make sure you are only giving that precious link juice to well-known and respected sites that are relevant to your content and your readers. This will keep your readers happy.

6) Have interesting video content. By having great content on your site, you can retain users for longer and increase your site conversions as well.

7) Audit your site regularly. Google has rules and making sure you comply doesn’t have to take too long. Take care of things like broken links or spammy websites pointing to your domain.

8) Strategize your site architecture and navigation wisely. A site architecture that is well thought out will make it easier for Google to crawl every single element (you want this). And having a great navigation lets your site visitors convert quicker.

9) Develop a strong social media presence. By taking the time to carefully craft out a social media strategy, your potential users can find you and share your content more easily.

10) Arrange your page layout carefully. You want a page that is so easy to navigate that it keeps your users engaged and increases your user retention as well.


11) Content is king – Back to Tip #1, don’t just write one piece of content. Make this a continuous process.

At Audienz, we strive to continuously educate ourselves on the newest SEO updates, whether it be completely memorizing Google’s 2019 Ranking Factors, or attending MOZcon and taking as many notes as our brain/phone can hold. SEO is here to stay. Don’t believe me? Just Google it 😉

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